Our company has20 years experience

Khan Steel mill (KSM) is the biggest and standard steel factory in Afghanistan. It is 100% Afghan owned and operated. In October 2015, we established a fully licensed steel smelting factory on new Bagram Road in the Pol-e-Charkhi Industrial Park of Kabul. KSM has started production in August 2017 but formally inaugurated in January of 2018. And in the same year, the foundation of the second phase of Khan Steel was laid, and the second phase started production in 2019, which now has a production capacity of 1000 tons in two working shifts. Khan Steels 8 mm to 36 mm steel Rebar products are used in the countrys largest and most standard projects, such as large water dams, large buildings, development projects and large bridges. Such as Kajaki Dam, Kamal Khan Dam, Darlman Administrative Complex, Banai Township, Lala Township, Mohib Tower, Afghan National Palace, Township of Qatari Project, Qasba Khwaja Rawash Township, Sanai Ghaznavi Township, Qoshtepe Canal... directly, we have created more than 1000 job opportunities for the community, reduced the costs of construction, and contributed to the development of our country.

Qushtepa Canal

The Qosh Tepa Canal, is a canal being built in northern Afghanistan to divert water from the Amu Darya. The main canal is expected to be 285 km long and the overall initiative seeks to convert 550,000 hectares of desert into farmland.

The Qosh Tepa Canal begins in Balkh Province and is expected to end in Faryab while passing through Jowzjan The Taliban-run government of Afghanistan has made the canal a priority project and the construction begun in early 2022. Images supplied by Planet Labs showed that from April 2022 to February 2023 more than 100 km of the canal had been excavated. 


Project Name Project Sector Status
Qushtepa Canal Government Completed